Booking Enquiries Enquiry Form Fill out the form if you have a booking enquiry, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Type of BookingA personal booking is if you are booking for yourself or another person (max 2). A group booking is if you are making a booking for a group.Is this a personal or group booking?(Required) Personal Booking Group Booking Personal Booking EnquiryDescription of Personal Booking Types Bed and Breakfast- $75 per person (includes one night accommodation and breakfast) Residential- $135 per person(includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner) Other- if your booking is neither of the above types Please click here for our rates schedule Meal DescriptionMorning Tea- 10am Lunch- 12:30pm Dinner- 6pm The Kitchenette is open at all times where you can help yourself to water, tea, coffee and biscuits.Booking Type(Required)Bed & Breakfast only [one night + breakfast]Residential [Bed + meals per night]OtherPreferred Date (from)(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Preferred Date (to)(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Preferred Time (from)(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Preferred Time (to)(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Alternative Dates and Times(Required)Number of nights you wish to stay(Required)Number of people estimated(Required)12Please tell us the reason for your booking(Required)Dietary RequirementsAny other questions you have for us or would like to tell us?Contact DetailsFirst Name(Required)Last Name(Required)Mobile Phone No.Email Address(Required) Group Booking EnquiryGroup Rates Please click here for group rates Meal DescriptionMorning Tea- 10am Lunch- 12:30pm Dinner- 6pm The Kitchenette is open at all times where you can help yourself to water, tea, coffee and biscuits.Booking Type(Required)Day BookingResidential BookingGroup name/Company name(Required)Group Type(Required)Parish/ChurchPrimary SchoolHigh SchoolUniversityCorporateCharityCommunity GroupFaith GroupClergy/ReligiousPreferred Date (from)(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Preferred Date (to)(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Preferred Time (from)(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Preferred Time (to)(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Alternative Dates and Times(Required)Number of nights you wish to stay(Required)Estimated no. of people (minimum)(Required)Estimated no. of people (maximum)(Required)Please provide some details about the purpose of your stay/meeting purpose(Required)Room Requirements Main meeting room Breakout rooms Chapel Projector/TV Whiteboard Speaker/Microphone Other questions/extra information about your bookingContact DetailsFirst Name(Required)Last Name(Required)Mobile Phone No.Email Address(Required) Mailing List I consent to being added to the St Francis mailing list Δ